It’s exciting times at LSF Wholesale, as our flower harvest 2022 is officially in full swing and we now have lots of wonderful updates to report back on. Since June’s update, we’ve completed and ticked off the list the handpicking of lavender, nigella pods and oats for dried flower bunches and we have now moved on to harvesting delphiniums for dried petals.

Harvesting Delphiniums for Dried Petals
When fully bloomed the delphinium flower fields are truly beautiful to look at, but also very peaceful to be at. The best time to catch the delphinium flower fields is at sunrise, as it’s at this time the delphiniums glisten gorgeously in the morning sun awaiting the days harvest to begin.
Each morning, at 6am, our wonderful team of seasonal workers arrive at the delphinium flower fields ready to start the day. Before starting, the workers get into teams of around 5 people, these are the teams they will handpick delphiniums with that day. Every team gets a car with a trailer and inside each trailer is a stack of black crates to fill delphiniums with.

There is no messing around with our seasonal workers, they jump straight into action walking down the lines of the grown delphiniums handpicking individual stems off. Each worker handpicks stems until their arms are filled with a bundle of delphiniums, each bundle of delphiniums is then placed into a crate onto the trailer. Handpicking delphiniums is a labour-intensive job, so we always make sure our workers have their morning coffee break and stay hydrated with multiple water bottle top ups.
Harvesting delphiniums for petals stops at around 1pm each day. Starting the seasonal workers working day earlier and finishing earlier allows us to skip the afternoon heat, which has been unbearable at points during our flower harvest 2022. Once finished, the delphiniums harvested that day go to be processed and packed onsite on the LSF Wholesale Farm.
Handpicking delphiniums for dried petals is repeated everyday throughout July and August until the targeted supply needed to be harvested is hit.

How To Purchase Our Dried Delphinium Petals?
We grow delphiniums in an array of wonderful colours, from lush pinks and perfect purples, to beautiful blues and vintage whites. Growing delphiniums in a variety of colours allows us to provide you with a huge selection of both blocked and mixed coloured dried delphinium petals. We have 21 coloured dried delphinium petals for you to choose from, which can be purchased loose or inside a variety of our packaged options.

Our loose dried delphinium petals come in 5, 10 and 50 litre clear bags. All these bags vary in size and can be bought in bulk – a 5 litre bag is 50 – 60 handfuls of petals, a 10 litre bag is 100 – 110 handfuls of petals and 50 litres is 500 – 510 handfuls of petals. Many wholesale customers are big fans of the loose dried delphinium petals, as they can purchase the petals as they are to create their own petal product from them.
Alternatively, we have our packaged dried delphinium petals. These packaged products vary from individual sachets and pops, to confetti trays with cones. All our packaged products come pre filled with your chosen dried delphinium petals inside, which makes these products ready to go for you shop floor.

All our British grown dried delphinium petals are 100% biodegradable, eco-friendly and dye-free. In addition to this, the dried delphinium petals are handpicked with care to ensure LSF Wholesale are supply you with the highest quality petals found on the market. Please see our full colourful collection of wholesale dried delphinium petals here.
If you are business that wishes to purchase wholesale dried delphinium petals, then you can apply for an account here. Alternatively, if you have any questions, please get in contact via phone or email.